Dec 15, 2011

The "Blue Jasmine" .. Full secrets .. Appendix 3

"Junblat" and the Blue Jasmine ... the Druze issue.

The unification doctrine, is called as the Druze community, and the word Druze , for elders and scholars of this community is considered to be an insult. and the unification doctrine is a closed one, and do not invite the rest of the religion followers to convert to it, and the unificators (Durzi people) live in the Blue mountain in Jordan and in Horan mountain (Arab mountain as named by Jamal Abdulnasser), and in Jabal Al Sheikh and Lebanon mountain, and the triangle villages of Palestine as well...

Attempts to separate the Druze from Islam and Arabism..

During the Turkish occupation.

Expiating Druze started in the Ottoman era, and for completely political reasons, and the instigation against Druze during the colloquial revolution in Horan mountain, and turned some of the revenge issues into sectarian ones through military campaigns on Horan mountain, when peasants rebelled against the scholars of  feudality, and the Ottoman sultanate wanted to re-spread it influence over Al Arab mountain.. Turkey back then, launched five military campaigns, started with "Fuhaida wedding" war and ended in "Shahbaa" war in 1897 when they re-occupied Horan mountain.

Note: US planned for massacres to inflame Syria, that depends on the media side on the tale of "Fuhaida wedding" war, as we mentioned earlier, and will talk about it in detail later... as thousands of Syrians were supposed to be killed by armed gangs aiming to start a sectarian conflict, but the operation failed before it even started, as the plan was to start with a massacre in Al Sheikh Maskin village, and then another massacre in Ta'araa village followed by sectarian violent acts... but the awareness of the people of Daraa and Sweida and the wisdom of our leadership prevented it from happening...

During the French occupation..

France dedicated the name "Druze" and named Horan mountain after them, but France did not have any bias scholars, so she participated in spreading many rumors about Druze and other religious minorities using the policy of "Divide and Conquer".. but the Druze received the largest parts of the rumors, since France already lost its campaign in Al Arab mountain, and then lost Gen. Misho's army... and most important, was when France divided Syria into three small countries.. and from Horan mountain, Sultan Basha Al Atrash said his famous sentence "Endowed to arms", and he united the efforts of Syria's rebels in the Syrian grand revolution, and devastated the division of Syria, and with it, fell the Druze mountain small country which was imposed by France..

During the Israeli occupation..

Israel tried to harvest what the Turkish and French occupation created, and planned to create a Druze country that include the Druze of Syra, Jordan and Lebanon to fight through them, so Israel destroyed Al Qunetra and planned to destroy Daraa and displace her people, and observed the building of Takfiri movements and induced the extremest Takfiri way of thinking.. so the Druze were under harsh plots by the Zionists to isolate them from their Islam and Arabism.

The Palestinian Druze of 1948 Arabs.

The Compulsory Recruitment

Israel imposed on Druze and Circassians the compulsory recruitment in the Israeli army, which is the first step of plotting on this Islamic sect, and tried spread rumors that Druze are part of the "Children of Israel", even though the Druze were only about 15 thousand back in 1948, and most of them are uneducated , but Israel failed in separating them from their Arabism and Islam.

Sheikh "Amin Tarif" and the hard number..

Sheikh "Amin Tarif" is the brain of the Druze sect in Palestine, he was the first to realize the Zion project and it's dangers on the Druze, Islam and Arabs, so he warned the sect's sheikhs of the Zion danger, and warned prince "Majid Arsalan" and stressed on them to resist against the Zion project, and he was the standing point  of the Golan people during the Itifada in 1981,  when Zion IDs were burn.. he participated in smuggling food and medicine to the Golan people during the Israeli siege on the four Golan villages which lasted for six months, and Sheikh "Tarif" was part of the Golan people resistance in facing the conspiracy which targeted the Druze sect.

Golan scholars quote sheikh "Amin Tarif" that Israel which is originally live a racist differentiation between the Jews themselves, is fighting with Africa and Asia's Jews, while west Europe and USA Jews are living in Tel Aviv and do not participate in any combat actions.. Sheikh "Amin Tarif" said: Israel is trying to fight Arab with Arab in order to protect the Hews.. Sheikh Tarif said to have warned the sect's scholars from the dangers of accepting a Durzi small country for any reason, as it will take the Druze out of their religion  and turn them into mercenaries.. For this reason, all the Druze scholars rejected the Durzi country with consensus and rejected a similar one in Lebanon in 1982 and stood next to Syria in facing the conspiracy, and when some of the Arab media were spreading  accusation of treason against the Druze in Palestine, and when Israel supervised the spread of takfiri advisories and killing orders against the Druze in the Arab media and specially the Egyptian and Saudi media, which is used by the Israeli army officers to tell the Druze recruits that the Snna people are your enemy and not the Israeli occupation... Sheikh Amin Tarif was the lead of a number of Druze scholars in Palestine who executed a scandal campaign against the Zion project and along with it, the seniors of the sect scholars in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan.

Israel trying to lay a hand on the Druze reference in Palestine..

Sheikh "Amin Tarif" dedicated the Zion project resisting culture as a priority to resist the occupation directly, and formed a new obstacle in front of the Zion project.. and when Sheikh Amin died, Israel tried to intervene in appointing a successor within the Durzi sect, by proposing an election project ... but this Zion project had fell.. but in Lebanon, and in a short period, the same project was proposed by "Walid Junblat", and the main sect sheikh "Bahjat Ghayth" was isolated, and  the introduction of the appointment of a Sheikh in the community to the parliament house, lead to the division of Sheikhdom, when prince" Talal Arslan" appointed a new Sheikh. By this, "Walid Junblat" tried to execute what Israel failed to do in the occupied lands in 1948, and Junblat divided what his father "Kamal Junblat" had united.

"Walid Junblat" part of the plot over Syria.

Junblat in 2006

It is not a secret that Walid Junblat was the spear tip in 2006, but the fail of the invasion on Lebanon dropped his dreams, not just that, but his control over the Druze jobs in Lebanon did not protect the "Junblat" thrown, as he is capable on investing the "Yazbek-Junblat" dispute in competing with prince "Talal Arslan", but he is not capable on competing with "Wiam Wahhab" who shifted from a "Junblat" minister to a current, then a party, despite all the war that is waged against him, specially that "Wiam Wahhab" is marching according to what the Druze elder scholars approved, starting with "Sultan Basha Al Atrash" who refused the Durzi small country, to sheikh "Amin Tarif", sheikh "Bahjat Ghayth" and Abu Hasan Aref Halawa.. and with the growing rise of the "Arab Unification" party, led by "Wiam Wahhab".. Junblat felt the danger over his position, so he changed his strategy so he can pass with the project.

"Walid Junblat" in 2011

in 2011, Junblat appeared a balance point that tend toward Syria, but that was only on the outside, as he was never outside the American project, and he realized that rushing in things would oust him from his leadership, and for this reason only, he did not announce positions, but in fact, and from sources in the Progressive Socialist party, Junblat was paying money and salaries to about 200 people in Al Arab mountain, who have a leader with an important name for the Druze sect, the man was chosen due to his name, not his mind, as he is only a front for Junblat project, as the Arab leaders are a front for USA... but the fail of the project in Daraa from one side, and the unity of the Druze in Al Arab mountain with their religious leadership, did not give Junblat a chance to move freely in the street... And after the "blue Jasmine" project fell, and along with it a project to open a blackmailing hole on the northern boarders (phase two and three of the invasion on Syria, as we said earlier), Washington return, and along with her "Al Qardawi" to run the Syrian file directly, and Junblat realized that he has to join his allies in France (Khaddam and Hariri) if he is not committed with the frustrated USA.

On the other side, Junblat knew that his mercenaries (even though they were not arrested) were not unaware of by the Syrian government and the mountain sheikhs, this is why he publicly spoke about the Druze small country which was rejected by the Druze scholars, yet he even acted foolishly, as the son of "Kamal Junblat" who did not kneel in front of the world great leaders, became a flatterer to the Saudi king, or to those who infidel the Druze, and to those who participated years ago in shedding blood in Al Arab mountain, yet even worse, Junblat (when he was drunk once) insulted Al Arab mountain, this mountain which honored the guests, and the latest guest honored by the people of Al Arab mountain, was president Bashar Al Assad... Al Arab mountain fight against who comes to it as an invader carrying weapons, this mountain fought five Turkish armies and two French armies, and gave the most important heroes to face the Zion enemy, and it is ready to face Israel, and was in the lead in defending Syria... Junblat said to it: "What a shame".. forgetting the history of Al Arab mountain and forgetting what this phrase means, which completely cut any reconciliation that would allow him back to the mountain.. Junblat didn't do only that, yet he insulted Al Arab mountain people who volunteered to face and defend Syria's unity, and perhaps Junblat is not to be blamed for his mistakes, perhaps the Syrian leadership do not want to cut the rope with Junblat, but Junblat has to prove he is not insane, and resign from leading the progressive party, as his original place is next to Saad Al Harir and Abdulhaeem Khaddam in France, as the project to defeat Syria, completely fell.

The End..

Arabic report by Kifah Nassr, Jouhaina News


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    1. @Jobs in Lebanon...... Welcome and thanks for your support.


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