Apr 4, 2012

The Syrian Electronic Army hacked Aljazeera.net e-mails.

Syrian Electronic Army
Units from the special operation division, hacked the IT support E-mail of Aljazeera channel (ithelpdesk@aljazeera.net), and with it, "Faisal Al Kasem" and "Jalal Shahda" e-mails.

The hack did not last long, but it was invested well.

In this report, we will show you a new side of Aljazeera scandals from "Faisal Al Kasem" e-mail -Images from Jalal Shahda e-mail (Aljazeera anchor)- and what did the news director in Aljazeera "Ibrahim Hlal" send to all Aljazeera anchors, and what happened after our last attacks.

The scandal of Faisal Al Kasem:

Yes, he is Faisal Al Kasem, presenter of "the opposit direction" program, and after entering his e-mail, we discovered that this media man, is not a media man at all, as in an e-mail message between him and someone called "Fathi", Faisal Al Kasem sends phone numbers for Syrian people he calls "Shabihha" to this guy "Fathi" so that he "deals with them", would this "Fathi" be an officer or a recruit in what is named the FSA??

In another correspondence with "Zaman Al Wasel" website, which its owner is "Ayman Abdulnoor", what is the relation between them? Does Faisal Al Kasem deal with Ayman Abdulnoor?

We end the scandals of Faisal Al Kasem with a correspondence between him and "Monkez Ali", this message say that Al-Jazeera, and after all this media coverage waged against Syria, it is still weak in quality and quantity, even after creating an entire studio for the Syrian "revolution", and it seems that Faisal Al Kasem is responsible for the Syrian file in Aljazeera channel, as he was asked by Monkez Al Ali to work and find a solution.

Username and Password for Faisal Al Kasem before getting changed:
Username: kasimf
Password: !36MyEaAwAw@@

Jalal Shahda e-mail (Aljazeera anchor):

When hacking into Jalal Shahda e-mail, we found the Syrian people opinion of him, as seen here:

User name and Password for Jalal Shahda e-mail before getting changed :
 Username: Chahdaj
Password: jach@lael@2412

What did "Ibrahim Hlal" send to all Aljazeera anchors?

"Ibrahim Hlala", Aljazeera News Director, sent this message to all the news anchors of Aljazeera...

 What happened after we hacked the system??

Yes, as after we hacked the IT support e-mail of Aljazeera, we found that most of what it contains are messages about the attacks that cost Aljazeera great damages... we leave you with the messages...

Username and Password for the IT support before getting changed:

 Username: ithelpdesk
Password: IT4@ll(AJ-A-E-S)&sites 

The End...

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